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- Fixed flexion deformity left ankle.
- Fixed flexion deformity left knee.
- Crepitation with joint movement left knee.
- Joint space narrowing and subchondral irregularity consistent with post-traumatic arthritiis left leg (left knee joint).
- Atrophy of left thigh, left leg.
- Painful right knee with monerate risk for post-traumatic arthritis of the patello-femoral joint.
- Loss of mobility, strength, restriction in physical function (functional impairment).
- Loss of independent ambulation.
- On going issues of pain and swelling-both lower extremities.
- Neurological injury resulting in sujective numbness-dorsal foot.
- Extensive soft tissue scaring and deformity.
- Potential for osteomyelitis is acknowledged because of deep infection in regard to the proximal tibial fracture.
- Right thumb injury, right wrist, carpal tunnle syndrome.
- Compression fracture at T-8.
- Bilateral rotator cuff injury.
- Methasone resistant staphylococcus infection left tibia.
- High probability of future surgical intervention to address functional limitation caused by post-traumatic arthritis and orthopedic compromise.
- Knee replacement surgries or possible amputation.
(ver batim from medical legal reports)