Mission Bridge incident : Motorcycle Rider Blog. Behind the scenes of VRIDETV, Canada's motorcycle touring and travel site.
Motorcycle blog

Mission Bridge incident

by Editor on 08/23/19

While riding on the gravel & dirt road under the Mission Bridge I decided to stop for a pic when I saw the girders line up, I pulled over as far as I could incase a vehicle wanted by. While looking into the view finder of my camera I saw my front wheel take a hard turn to the left as my kickstand sunk into the gravel, luckily the bike didn't fall over but it was a very close call!!!!
I decided to take a video after this pic was taken, you can see how much the wheel has moved and how much lover the bike is leaning....

The worst part is that if it did fall it would have fallen down several meters down the embankment...

motorcycle under bridge

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