Stunning scenery while on a Motorcycle tour in British Columbia
by Editor on 06/22/14
Special thanks to Monica Dickinson & Geoff Moore for putting together an amazing Motorcycle Tour that showcased 2,000+ kms of Incredible roads, points of interest, and jaw dropping scenery! You guys ROCK!!!
Fellow riders on the trip were: Jeff Topham Robin Esrock Masa Takei, BE SURE to check them out on Facebook & Twitter : )
We shot a tonne of high definition video from multiple camera angles: Handlebar cam, helmet cam, rearview cam and also tripod shots. We now have to transfer it from our cameras & memory cards into Final Cut Pro then the editing can begin. The transfer rate is minute for minute, so this will take some time considering we have seven days of footage, so please be patient, it will be worth the wait. We are looking forward to sharing this motorcycle adventure with you : )