Ryan Ennis at Peacemaker Filmworks shot the Robbie Maddison Surfing motorcycle video: Pipe Dream : Motorcycle Rider Blog. Behind the scenes of VRIDETV, Canada's motorcycle touring and travel site.
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Ryan Ennis at Peacemaker Filmworks shot the Robbie Maddison Surfing motorcycle video: Pipe Dream

by Editor on 08/18/15

What an incredible day I had today, I got to meet Ryan Ennis owner of Peacemaker Filmworks Inc. It was his company with partner Chris Wiseman that shot some of the action sequences in the Robbie Maddison Surfing motorcycle video that has gone viral and blown up on the internet, TV and every media outlet you can think of! 

Ryan Ennis has an IMDB page a mile long listing the TV shows and movies he's been in, Man of Steel, Deadpool, Fantastic Four, I Robot,  just to name a few...

During my visit Ryan showed me all the different vehicles they use and the camera rigs to get this incredible footage. 
You gotta check it out for yourself, it's amazing!!!!!!

Huge thank you to Ryan for taking the time to meet with me and giving me the tour, hopefully one day I'll have an opportunity to  work with him on a project with our camera bike.

A couple of iPhone pics

Ryan Ennis Peacemaker filworks

Ryan Ennis Peacemaker filmworks

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