New: vridetv has started a blog : Motorcycle Rider Blog. Behind the scenes of VRIDETV, Canada's motorcycle touring and travel site.
Motorcycle blog

New: vridetv has started a blog

by Editor on 07/02/10

Well here we go... vridetv has started a blog.
There is so much going on behind the scenes of Virtual Riding TV that we decided we needed a spot to share it with our audience.

Virtual Riging TV logo

Comments (1)

1. Tim Gillespie said on 7/7/10 - 04:13PM
As always I hope everyone appreciates what you do. I for one cannot hardly look at any other videos on the internet unless they are high def now. Everything come so easy to all on the internet things like this can be easily under appreciated but I love your stuff! OK, my word verification was "minples" what the heck are those, mini nipples?

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