Harley Davidson discontinues VROD
by Editor on 08/24/16
Get a 2017 V-Rod while you can, there will not be a 2018...
Harley-Davidson has discontinued both the Muscle and the NightRod, production will as early as October. Before you freak out and yell at the screen that this rumour has been going around for years, STOP, take a breathe... This is really happening. My source is solid, believe me I wish it wasn't true. I'm a huge fan of the Vrod, I put on 152,000 kms on my first on Vrod and it was still running strong! Best built motorcycle I've ever ridden.
The Harley-Davidson Dealer meeting is on right now in Boston, that is where my source was told that this is indeed true.
(screen shot taken from Harley-Davidson's website)
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