Great Canadian Bike Rally Official Guide Summer 2012 : Motorcycle Rider Blog. Behind the scenes of VRIDETV, Canada's motorcycle touring and travel site.
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Great Canadian Bike Rally Official Guide Summer 2012

by Editor on 12/07/11

Advertising in the Great Canadian Bike Rally Official Guidebook offers your organization a great opportunity to reach an audience that enjoys awesome bikes, great riding, camping and loads of fun. With 15,000 guides included in all registration packages and distributed at motorcycle tradeshows, visitor information centres and dealer locations, this high-quality publication is read by attendees and fans before, during and after the event. And with thousands of downloads during the season from our website, your organization can be assured of maximum exposure.
Download the Media Kit for full details!

Ad Booking Deadline: April 30th, 2012 Electronic Artwork Deadline:
May 15, 2012 Issue Circulation: June 1st, 2012
Great Canadian Bike Rally Now Booking Ad Space for the 2012 Official Guide!

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