VROD aluminum wheel restoration part 2
by Editor on 12/02/21
Tapped up the tire with 2 in masking tape to the tire getting all mucky with sanding dust and later polishing compound. Deepening on the condition of the wheel here's the grits of the wet & dry sandpaper I use: 220, 320, 400, 600, 800, 1000, 2000. If the wheel is in really rough condition with deep pitting and scratches I'll start at 220 then work my way up. If the wheel looks something like this one, I'll do the outer bead with 600 as a test. Then polish a small section of it to see how it looks. If the pits & scratches are gone I'll continue with the 600 & work my way up. If not I'll drop down to 400 and repeat the test. This is all done by hand & I found it helpful to fold up a rag then fold the sandpaper around it. Only took me a few sets of finger prints to figure that out.
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