Just outside Vridetv's office, nature puts on a remarkable show that we call, Birdfeedertv

A relaxing, and true story of the activities surrounding three birdfeeders in British Columbia, Canada.
In this video, the squirrels take over the bird feeders and are battling it out for prime seating.
Meanwhile in the background, many different species of birds patiently wait their turn to dine.
A close up look at a hummingbird visiting the feeder while a second one challenges for seating.
This feeder is located opposite the squirrel and bird feeder gazebos in the video below.
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Close-up of a Black tailed deer eating Diane's rose bush, I thought it was awesome, her, not so much... This video was captured through a window with the deer only 3 1/2 feet away, it was amazing being able to be this close, I guess I was invisible to him/her because of the window's reflection.
You never know who will make an appearance on Birdfeedertv, thanks for watching : )
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The amount of activity that occurs around these three birdfeeders is astonishing. Some of the guests include, crows, steller's jays, finches, starlings, chickadees, rabbits, mice, raccoons, eagles, deer, humming birds, robins, possums, and all are watched closely by our two house cats.
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In this video some of the guests include, a hummingbird, a Western gray squirrel,
a black Western gray squirrel, a Steller's Jay, and Hairy the cat.
You never know who will make an appearance on Birdfeedertv, thanks for watching : )
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The Western Gray Squirrel (Sciurus griseus) Weights  vary from about 400 g to nearly 1 kg, and length (including tail) from 45 to 60 cm.Western Gray Squirrels mate over an extended period ranging from December through June. Young are born after approximate 44 day gestation period. Juveniles emerge from nests between March and mid-August. Litter sizes range from one to five kits.Western Gray Squirrels feed mainly on seeds and nuts, particularly pine seeds and acorns, though they will also take berries, fungus and insects. However with well stocked birdfeeder theses squirrels enjoy sunflower seeds, peanuts, black oil seeds, as well as song bird mixed feed.The Black-tailed deer, or Blacktail deer, (Odocoileus hemionus columbianus)The Steller's Jay (Cyanocitta stelleri) is British Columbia's Provincial Bird.
Photo taken outside the office of vridetv.comThe Steller's Jay (Cyanocitta stelleri) is British Columbia's Provincial Bird.
Photo taken outside the office of vridetv.comSquirrel nests are called dreys  and can be seen in trees, built from sticks and leaves wrapped with long strands of grass. There are two stick nest types made by the Western Gray Squirrel: the first is a large, round, covered shelter nest for winter use, birthing, and rearing young. The second is more properly termed a "sleeping platform," a base for seasonal or temporary use. Both types are built with sticks and twigs and are lined with leaves, moss, lichens and shredded bark. Not water fountains as illustrated in this image ; )Be sure to keep your birdfeeders well stocked in the winter.Western Gray Squirrel up to his shoulders in the snow.The Bald Eagle (Haliaeetus leucocephalus) This eagle is approximately 120 meters from the birdfeeders at the squirrels nest. He is using his wing to shade the squirrel's entrance in order to trick them and catch them, he was unsuccessful on this day.Hairy the cat (Felis catus) Age: 9Jezebel the cat (Felis catus) Age: 13Mice and rats are also attracked to the birdfeeders.Western Gray Squirrel (this one with black pigmentation) enjoying a peanut from the birdfeeder in the comfort and safety of this tree.Why a basketball? This helps put into perspective the size of these birdfeeders, which in turn gives a better idea of the size of the squirrels, and other guests on birdfeedertv.A one eyed Western Greay Squirrel caught in the act. Over the last three years I have had to rebuild these birdfeeders many times. I've used heavy gauge wire to support the weight of multiple squirrels, added over 50 screws, re-enforced the bottom, and have used three bottles of 2 ton carpenters glue to maintain these two feeders.Over the last three years I have had to rebuild these birdfeeders many times. I've used heavy gauge wire to support the weight of multiple squirrels, added over 50 screws, re-enforced the bottom, and have used three bottles of 2 ton carpenters glue to maintain these two feeders.
NEW Video: Birdfeedertv went on location to White Rock beach and left their fish n chips unattended. Resulting in a showdown between the Crows and the Seagulls in a fish n chip food fight.
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NEW Video:We were surprised to see this hummingbird sit at the feeder for a full five minutes on this snowy day in British Columbia, Canada.
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